The terms of use below apply to this website. When you use this website, you accept these terms of use by return.
Copyright & Intellectual Property Law
The copyright on this website rests with Addit BV and is protected by both local and worldwide Copyright laws and regulations. This includes all information such as text, audio, video and photo.
It is therefore not permitted to copy, reproduce, distribute, download or send unsolicited information from this website, unless Addit BV has granted written permission for this.
Addit BV strives to make and keep the information on this website as current, accessible, correct and complete as possible. Addit BV therefore reserves the right to change or remove all website information at any time.
However, it is possible that parts of the content of this site are outdated, incomplete, incorrect and/or (temporarily) unavailable.
We do not accept any liability for any consequences that may arise as a result. We therefore do not derive any rights from the information on this website. We ask that you contact us if you find any incorrect, incomplete or defects on this website. You can do this by sending a message: info@addit.nl.
Third party information
This website contains external references (hyperlinks) to websites, web pages and files of third parties. Addit BV has no influence on the availability and content of these hyperlinks and is not responsible for this.
Addit BV is therefore not liable for any damage consequences that may arise from the use of external references from third parties.
Personal data
When you use this website, your personal data will be processed. You can read more about this on our Privacy Statement & Cookies webpage .
If you have any questions, comments or complaints about our website, you can always contact us!
Last update: 01-06-2021